Friday, October 29, 2010

Do want !

For few weeks I've had this thought like "Oh, how fun it would be if I had some unusual haircolor !".

And then yesterday I saw this :

Oh, like that haircolor so much ! (; ω ;)  I would so want to dye my hair pink to tsukicon.....
But then, when I want blond hair back it would be great pain in my ass.......bleacher isn't my hairs bf.

BUT this could be nice too :

A little less pink (・ω・)/ but still looks nice. I love that too. I think this would be a better choice in the end ! 

At least my hair wouldn't suffer so much !

So I'm still gonna think this a little bit...

What do you think ?  (・ω・)

I've just noticed that I have almost 20 readers ! I know it's not much compared to Viivi568A's readers, but anyway it's a lot to me ! So I'm really happy. 

Thanks and bye bye for now (・ω・)/


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Chocolate factory ♥

AA I'm so sorry (´□`。) I said that I would post before Gal meetup, but I kind of .... Okay I was just being lazy...

But anyway ! The meetup was really nice ! Better than before 'cause we had new place for it. I hope everybody else had fun too !(‐^▽^‐)I bet you have seen pictures of it from other blogs so I don't bother to add them here so much except this one group picture :>

Then to other things ! 

Today our class visited a chocolate factory ! I had been there before, but it was really nice to go there again (・ω・)/
We got to eat as much chocolate as we could, but nobody really ate so much... In the end you can't eat it so much without drinking anything (´・ω・`)  But anyway, it was really fun trip ! We got little giftbags when we left and inside of them was a chocolatebar, chocolate candies, some pastilles and rye bread ! The  rye bread was there too because the same company makes also bread and other pastrys (´∀`)

In the morning I had a lot of time to do my hair, so I curled it :>

in our school's bathroom :*:・( ̄∀ ̄)・:*:

then some other pics of my new hair from the past two weeks !

Me and my friend Elena. We had this yearly school photoshoot so we had both spent a little more time in front of the mirror than usually when we go to school :>

btw. the fotos looked kind of ok. Except that friendpicture I took with Nelly... I look like a murderer in it(´□`。) 

just some random pics ~

At first when I colored my hair blonde I was a little scared. I was so sure that it would look so bad and wouldn't fit me at all. Now thougth I'm so in love with it (‐^▽^‐) I like it a lot and I don't think it even looks bad   : > 

but bye bye, for now ! ~ ♥